Sunday, June 15, 2014

In Plain Sight - Provinsi Carpentaria (Part 1)

View of Provinsi Carpentaria - looking north
Location : Zone F

The Kambatik parkland has many interesting  geograpahical features.   A stream runs through the park for approximately half a kilometer distance.  The highest point of the stream is at the eastern part of the park and is approximately 150 feet above sea level.  From there the stream meanders towards the lowest point of the park located to the west in a 60 feet gradual drop.  The stream is surrounded on all sides by hills, spurs, rolling slopes and valleys.  However at its immediate surrounds i.e. on the banks of the stream are to be found many low-lying or flat areas which in geographical term I call 'plain'.  In developing the park I was very concerned from the beginning about retaining the natural direction and  flow of the stream.  By doing so I hoped to have many fallback positions especially in combating torrential rain and flash floods that are a natural phenomena at the park, restricted to limited hours as a result of heavy downpour.  There are eight of these plain areas and are named according to the specific palm species that are prevalent in the landscape.  Starting from the source of the stream, the  plain areas are fondly referred to as Provinsi ( Malay for province); thus Provinsi Pinang, Provinsi Yellow Palm, Provinsi Manila, Provinsi Carpentaria, Provinsi Lakka, Provinsi Borneo (Buah Nyiur - origin of the word Borneo, pronounced in Malay), Provinsi Lady Palm and Provinsi Rattan.  In this post I show the Provinsi Carpentaria with its iconic Carpentaria Palm.
View of Provinsi Carpentaria, looking north
Location : Zone F

Carpentaria acuminata - Carpentaria palm
Location : Provinsi Carpentaria, Zone F
 The above picture shows a line of the Carpentaria palms planted nearby the stream. Below is a picture that shows the stream in dry weather, thus the water level is low.  Carpentaria palms originate from Australia and are native to the Carpentaria Bay there.
Provinsi Carpentaria, view looking south.
Plain areas are important landscape features because they afford our eyes rest when scanning the natural landscape of hills and valleys. They provide optimum flat areas for leisure and recreational activities.  Finally they are significant for wildlife as scavenging and foraging grounds for birds, butterflies and dragonflies.  Birds especially need its 'free' flight space to dash around the park quickly and without much obstruction.

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